Horned Game

Artistic talent is not “learned”. But a gifted ability of vision, knowledge and application, that brings everything together, into a balanced convincing representation of horned game and other species of wildlife. So many, have self elevated their work into “Artistry”, through ribbons and awards based on challenging competitors. However, those competitors are often few, and an award is given to the best of the worst. The reputation of Bruce Foster Studio is unchallenged for not only artistic ability, but superior preservation with the customer in mind, not and award or a ribbon to boast about. My knowledge and dedication to perfection is unmatched in Maryland Taxidermy. “You snuff ‘m, we stuff ‘m”, is not the attitude Bruce Foster Studio takes to your mount. My studio has and will continue to produce some of the finest taxidermy in the state of Maryland, using time tested and old world techniques, blended with modern products,  that pushes the limit  far beyond typical commercial taxidermy.