Warthog Eye
Attention to the smallest detail is paramount with every trophy done in my studio. This Wart Hog eye close up shows what attention and skill is applied to every mount. Dye and a special finishing process is used rather than paint. A permanent natural dusting is done to duplicate the natural dirty nature of all Swine. You will also see the tear gland staining that is a natural feature on all Swine.

Caracal Cat
Caracal Cat - The Caracal Cat is a special trophy for any trophy hunter. Often referred to as the "Desert Lynx", this great specimen was taken in South Namibia. Bruce Foster Studio specializes in custom mounting of any worldwide game

The Leopard, one of the Big Five, is a striking animal. Feline's, in all species, call for unique techniques in duplicating their actual anatomy in trophy presentation. A properly mounted cat should duplicate the feeling of "Loose Skin". Major form alteration was needed to make the form fit the skin. Not making the skin fit the form. This is critical when choosing high end taxidermy over commercial taxidermy. Bruce Foster Studio goes far beyond commercial taxidermy and preservation

Sitting Bobcat
This prime winter Northern Bob Cat was trapped in Pa. Garment grade tanning preserved the beauty of this skin. A hand wrapped body was articulated from the natural bones, and the head was custom cast. Russian reflective eyes were ordered and installed to bring this mount to another level.

Kodiak Bear Skull
All skulls are done in house using natural maceration, deep de greasing, bleaching and sealing. This process takes time, but produces beautiful results.

Leopard - A rear angle shot showing proper form alteration. Bruce Foster Studio alters forms to fit the tanned skin. Often, in commercial taxidermy, many try to make the skin fit the form. Proper anatomical accuracy is the key to a quality mount.

Tom Lynx
Tom Lynx - Taken by Capt. Bob in Canada, this super "Tom" Lynx need to fit above a window in his trophy room. A custom wall mount tree with artificial pine was made. A hand wrapped excelsior body and custom carved head made for an impressive display.

Southern Warthog
Southern Warthog - When it comes to Warthog's, this heavy tusk trophy has it all. The hogs sparse hair and tough skin make for a challenging job to mount correctly. The Ivory tusks often crack in time, so I always mold and cast reproduction tusks for these mounts. The Ivory is returned to the customer with the mount. The warts offer a special challenge as well. I cut them open and remove the gristle. Proper eye wrinkles are sculptured as well as custom ear liners. A special finishing process is used to tint the skin. Hogs are dirty!, so I coat my mounts with artificial dust that adds an often overlooked finish to the finished mount.

Leopard Head Close Up
Leopard Head Close Up - This close up features a custom made panting jaw set. Totally made in house by Maryland Taxidermist Bruce Foster Studio. Generic supply house jaw sets do not offer the special attributes needed for many custom mounts. Missing whiskers were also replaced with my reproduction replicas whiskers.

Cougar - Cats are some of the hardest trophies to mount correctly. Loose skin is hard to duplicate. Anatomical knowledge is the key to making a cat mount come to life. This Cougar mount shows the loose skin and fatty brisket as well as the front paws bearing the weight as in life

Kirwan Mountain Lion
Kirwan Mountain Lion - This fantastic Cougar was taken with Porcupine Creek Outfitters and master guide Brent Sinclair. Capt. Bob of Cambridge, Md. wanted something unique. A custom made jaw set was sculptured in my studio and installed in a custom carved head. The rock work as well as the woodwork was done in house. You can see this cat in the Hunting Photos category.

Lion Head
Full Maned Lion - It's not often, to receive a Lion with such a great mane. One of the "Big Five" of Africa, this majestic cat was mounted in a right turn. Hair dye was used on the cape to tone the natural hair.

Metal Finishing
Metal Finishing - Bruce Foster Studio offers metal finishing for skulls, horns and antlers as well as just about anything that can handle the process. Multiple metal finishes are available as well ageing patinas. Bronzed Skull's, Pewter antlers or horns, rusted Iron Turkey feet? A very unique option for trophy parts. 100% done in house by Bruce Foster Studio

Peccary - This life-size Peccary shows the anatomical detail added to foam forms. Cast Cacti were hand painted to duplicate the environment of Senora, Mexico.

Black Bear Rug
Black Bear Rug - Bruce Foster Studio does not sub out any work to commercial rugger's. Garment grade tanning of your skin is paramount. 100% of the mounting, stretching and finish work is done in house. I hand pink the felt edging from a selection of 82 colors, giving you a truly unique and custom rug from your trophy

Leopard – Duiker
Leopard & Duiker - Completed in the spring of 2012, this wall mount Leopard with Grey Duiker kill, features a custom made tree limb and artificial Acacia branches with foliage. Both animals were custom altered for this natural scene. A hand made wax jaw set was carved then cast in resin. Natural Claw and bight marks were added to the Duiker for extra realism.

Warthog - Polaroid photo of a Warthog mount done in the late 70's. Even back then, repo tusks were used.

Tiger Cub
Tiger Cub - A very rare opportunity came with this 13 day old Bengal Tiger Cub. I custom wrapped the body and legs from the carcase. The head was hand sculptured from foam, and a custom molded and cast jaw set was made for this rare and unique mount. I hand painted the eyes from a clear flint eye to match the blue coloration of a Tiger this size. Maryland Taxidermist, Bruce Foster Studio was chosen for this unique preservation.

Warthog - An early 80's mount of a nice Warthog. Reproduction tusks are cast and installed on all my hog and pig mounts. The natural Ivory is returned to the customer.

Leopard - Above average Leopard taken in South Africa by a long term client from Middleburg,Va.Mounted in the early 90's.

Brown Bear
Brown Bear - Taken in Alaska, this Brown Bear was mounted in two pieces. A unique interlocking system was incorporated into the form. This made moving and installing a breeze. Just another custom feature available through Bruce Foster Studio. Owned by a long time client from Cambridge, Maryland.